In case you use these data for your publications, please cite the following articles as source for the data:
Kaiser M, Hilgetag CC (2006) Non-Optimal Component Placement, but Short Processing Paths, due to Long-Distance Projections in Neural Systems. PLoS Computational Biology 7:e95
Kötter R (2004) Online retrieval, processing, and visualization of primate connectivity data from the CoCoMac database. Neuroinformatics 2: 127-144.
Choe Y, McCormick BH, Koh W (2004) Network connectivity analysis on the
temporally augmented C. elegans web: A pilot study. Society of Neuroscience
Abstracts 30:921.9.
(Version 6) files OR
individual CSV files (zipped)
Local network of 131 frontal
Matlab (Version 6) files OR
individual CSV files (zipped)
Global network of 277 neurons:
Matlab (Version 6) files OR
individual CSV files (zipped)
Macaque (Fig. 2 of the article, 1.2 MB)
C. elegans (Fig. 3 of the article, 0.4 MB)
M. Kaiser |
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7 June 2006 |