SINOMO Software Guide
(February 9, 2011)
This material is supplementary to the publication by
Echtermeyer et al. (2011).
Building on that paper, this document provides information on usage of our
Interactions and connections--be it in sociology or engineering--are often
represented as networks, whose studies have improved understanding of underlying
features and mechanisms.
In many cases, irregularities in structure were identified as vulnerability or
as crucial for best case performance.
Advanced techniques to detect and specify unusual network-components are thus
being developed.
One way to characterise complex networks is by their specific connectivity
patterns, called network-motifs (Milo et al., 2002), which can be identified
using mfinder.1Here we use a different approach, which is to describe networks by node-motifs--a combination of local network features.
Certain node-motifs, such as highly connected nodes or hubs, have been shown to be
important components of networks (e.g. see (Jeong et al., 2001; Albert et al., 2000; Rodrigues and Costa, 2009)).
Costa et al. (2009) have presented a technique to detect and specify more complex
compound motifs, which are characterised by multiple features in combination.
We described improvements to that method and showed how its parameters can be
determined automatically (Echtermeyer et al., 2011).
This document describes our implementation SINOMO of the enhanced
workflow, which can be controlled via a graphical user interface or through the
command-line for batch processing.
The following files are supplied:
readme.pdf |
this file |
sinomo.* |
main files of GUI-version |
workflow.m |
main file of command-line version |
!* |
directories containing sub-functions for |
workflow |
example_networks/*.csv |
example networks in csv-file format |
Two versions of the code are supplied, which differ in their requirements:
The first one requires Matlab (Mathworks Inc, Natick, USA) and allows the user
to apply the workflow using a graphical user interface (GUI,
The other one is a command-line utility that either requires Matlab or the free
alternative Octave (Eaton, 2002) and it can be easily used to batch process
many networks without user interaction.2When using Octave, the freely available packages econometrics and statistics must be installed.3
Both the GUI- and command-line version make use of the gs-command (Ghostscript-package).4If this package is not installed, error messages appear, but the analysis is
performed correctly.
However, the output-plots are split into multiple pdf-files rather than a single
Please note that neither version of the code is intended to be fool-proof ant that absurd parameters are likely to yield absurd results.
Only fundamental checks are performed; if desired, please implement sophisticated check-routines yourself.
The supplied code implements the improved Beyond the Average-workflow in
two ways:
- a script version (callable from the command-line) for both Matlab and
Octave, and
- an interactive GUI version (running on Matlab only).
The two variants differ with respect to their control, but analysis is performed using the same functions (contained in directories !*).
Due to differences between Matlab and Octave, some functions contain conditional
code that only executes on either of the programs.
The correct branch is automatically chosen during execution.
On Linux, the script version is run via the command
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash \\
-r "workflow('$filename'); exit;"
if Matlab is installed; Octave can be evoked by
octave --eval "workflow('$filename'); exit;"
where the variable $filename has to be replaced by the filename of the
csv-file to analyse.
(Details on file formats are given in Section
The script outputs are pdf- and mat-files, which are named similar to the input
To use the GUI version, start up Matlab and set the working directory to that
containing the main-file sinomo.m.
Calling the corresponding function sinomo() opens a file selection dialog,
where the csv-file to analyse must be selected.
(Clicking cancel at this point terminates Matlab.)
Network statistics are calculated before the main screen with 5 plots appears
Graphical user interface for the BtA-workflow:
a Nodes mapped to PCA-plane where their probability is coded
by colour.
The title of the plot informs about the percentage of variance
in the 6-dimensional data is accounted for by the 2 principal components used.
b Sorted node probabilities and relative differences.
Red and green colour indicates singular and regular nodes,
Mean probability indicated by black line; blue line marks mean minus
one standard deviation.
Stems (cyan) indicate relative differences between their two adjacent
c Manual workflow-parameter control and options for result
Note, that the number of motif-groups
can only be altered if
motif grouping is performed using k-means++.
By default, changed settings show immediate effect in all plots
d Contour plot of PDF with reduced feature vectors
superimposed, whose colour indicates whether they are classified regular or
The tick-box above the plot controls whether the Gaussian kernel
is reshaped according to the standard deviation along each PC-axis (box ticked)
or not.
e PCA-plane (rescaled by standard deviations) showing
differently coloured motif groups.
f Bar plot showing the relative frequency for each
A brief characterisation of each motif is given above its bar.
All plots and all data used for display can be stored to a file,
by pressing the corresponding button (upper right).
Use the sliders on the top right of the window to change parameters of the
"Beyond the Average"-workflow.
(Alternatively, values can be entered directly into the text fields or the
corresponding +/- buttons.)
Plots are updated on any parameter change, if auto-plot updates are enabled
(default), and can be saved to a pdf-file.
Note that only one instance of the SINOMO-GUI runs at a time; to exit the
program close its window.
File Formats
The only input-file to the workflow is a csv-file that contains the adjacency
of the network to analyse.
Elements in each of
's rows are separated by commas; and each line of the
csv-file corresponds to one of
's rows.
Internally, network-nodes are identified by unique numbers
corresponding to their row-/column-index in
For each input file <input>.csv, the workflow creates two output files
named <input>_analysis.mat and
The mat-file stores all network-nodes' statistics, their mapping to the
PCA-plane, estimated probabilities, the number of outliers
, alongside with cluster-assignments and other information, which may be useful for further processing.
For details on stored variables please refer to
All plots that are generated by the GUI-version are stored as a pdf-file; likewise for the command-line version.
The output file-name informs about the input-file and all relevant parameters to replicate contained results.
To verify that SINOMO works on your system, we supply example networks as
csv-files, which can be found in the folder example_networks.
In detail, the smallest network ER_50.csv is an Erdos-Rényi random
network with 50 nodes (Erdös and Rényi, 1959).
Analysing the remaining networks mac95.csv, celegans131.csv, and
celegans277.csv takes longer as these have 95, 131, and 277 nodes,
These files represent neural connectivity of the Macaque cortex (one hemisphere)
(Kötter, 2004; Kaiser and Hilgetag, 2006) and in C. elegans; consisting of 131 frontal
neurons and all 277 neurons, respectively (Kaiser and Hilgetag, 2006; Choe et al., 2004).
When applying SINOMO to any of these networks, expect processing times of
up to 30 seconds; no error messages should appear in the console.
Depending on your needs and computing environment, you might want to choose to
adapt certain parts of the program.
The following paragraphs make suggestions about changes we found to be
particularly useful.
By default, both the command-line and the GUI-version of the workflow choose
parameters automatically according to the mechanisms we described (Echtermeyer et al., 2011).
Using the GUI, settings can be altered using the slider- and button-controls on
the upper right.
The command-line version also allows to choose some or all parameters manually by
assigning values to the corresponding variables bandwidths, ws, and
ks at the beginning of the file workflow.m.
If multiple values are assigned (i.e. a vector) all of its values are used
successively in any combination with the remaining parameters.
The default setting of a parameter is chosen, if the parameter list is defined
By default, plots saved as a pdf-file appear side-centred with a significant
margin, which can be reduced if the pdfcrop utility is
installed.5To enable its use, edit the file save_plot.m in the !dataHandling
directory and comment out the corresponding line in the save_and_crop-function that evokes the command.
The command-line version of the supplied code is suitable for large scale
It is mostly written such that Matlab/Octave makes use of small scale
parallelisation on multi-core CPUs, which benefits run-time.
Computer-clusters or similar architectures can give additional speed-up, which
can be achieved in two ways:
- When analysing many networks, total run-time is reduced by applying the
workflow in parallel.
This approach involves distributing data and programs, evoking calculations, and
collecting results.
- For every single network, the computational bottleneck of the workflow is
the calculation of local measures for all network nodes.
In order to reduce the run-time of this step, different measure can be evaluated
on different compute nodes, which makes analyses of very large networks
For the first alternative, the distribution-, evocation-, and collection-step
can be automated using a generic parallelisation-tool presented by
Ribeiro et al. (2009): Adapa (Automatic DAta
Adapa is available freely and can be used in combination with our
tool.6The second approach, however, requires appropriate modification of the code.
We have corresponding implementations and facilities; please contact us if you
are interested in collaborations.
Although implemented with care, software is seldomly free of bugs.
We perform systematic testing after any change of the code, but errors may still
If you experience any problems, please let us know.
Also, if you use this software for your research, please cite the corresponding
paper (Echtermeyer et al., 2011) in any work you publish.
Details on <input>_analysis.mat
Following variables are stored in the file <input>_analysis.mat:
no_of_nodes |
number of (non-isolated) network nodes |
w |
number of singular nodes |
k |
number of motif groups |
statistics |
values of local measures (column) for each node |
(row = feature-vector) |
stats_description |
descriptive text-label for
statistics-columns |
PCA_projection |
reduced feature-vectors (according to PCA) |
probabilities |
estimated probabilities |
sorted_index |
ranking of nodes according to probability |
(node with lowest probability
first) |
assignments |
motif-group where singular node belongs to |
noOfpointsInCluster |
number of members in each motif group |
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R. Kötter.
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R. Milo, S. Shen-Orr, S. Itzkovitz, N. Kashtan, D. Chklovskii, and U. Alon.
- Network motifs: simple building blocks of complex networks.
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P. Ribeiro, J. Simonotto, M. Kaiser, and F. Silva.
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Molecular BioSystems, 5 (4): 385-90, 2009.
Automatic Network Fingerprinting Through Singular Node Motifs
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The translation was initiated by Christoph Echtermeyer on 2011-02-09
- ...mfinder.1
- ... interaction.2
- The code has been tested on
Matlab version 7.9.0 [R2009b] and Octave version 3.2.3.
- ... installed.3
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